Tuesday, August 19, 2008

twisting fates

talking about fates, sometimes it's really not up to anyone to control fate is pre-destined by the ones up there high above... we don't know what's going to happen.

like i mentioned before that the heart is the one that gives hint on what's going to happen and tells you to act upon it. and that's fate.

my fate seemed to be twisting and twisting and twisting... going in circles. i thought that i'm over with certain thing in my life, just have get on with my life and do whatever is necessary. but at a certain time, suddenly things just get twisted back again... aka deja vu... back to the point of incident that i supposed to be over with....

thus i'll be tangled in the forest of thorns with no direction where i'm going to move.. will i see the light again if i continue to move forward or i have to find my way backward through the forest of thorn to save myself from getting stung.

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