Thursday, July 3, 2008

my sweet dream

i think i'm currently living in a sweet dream....why do i say i'm in my own sweet dream ? because normally at night.. when you got a dream at night, normally you can't control your dream. it'll flow accordingly.

but in one of my post i mentioned the dream life.... living in a dream life, you pre-set your own conditions, your own situation. at the moment, i'm in a dream. that's for following my heart doing things that are unexplainable like waiting for someone in the middle of the night.

i will continue to live in this sweet dream, regardless what's the realistic situation out there. while i'm waiting for that someone, i don't really care if the condition is in favor of me or not. like i said this might be a dream for me, i shall take it as a dream. i set my the situation, and i walk in my dreams.... maybe someday i will wake up.... knowing that it's just a dream that's the time where the reality is overpowering my pre-set situation. and i shall wake up... and it will be a great dream to remember. maybe a short one as well.

if my pre-set situation continues without the reality over powering, or let's say the reality has nothing to interfere my sweet dream, i shall continue to dream. never know one day, the dream became a reality and i don't need to dream anymore. and by that time, my dream is my life and it's the reality that i'm a happy man once again.

a sweet dream hasn't ended yet.

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