Saturday, November 14, 2009

intensive travellings

1 week in shanghai, then rest for almost 2 weeks, then head to europe for germany and france.

that's what i've been doing for the past whole month. i didn't expect that it's so packed with schedules. it is tiring, my nose hasn't recover from dryness caused by the air in shanghai and on the plane, and i gotta get myself onto the 13 hours flight to frankfurt...

now i'm back.. yeah my nose still hurts... it's worse as european countries are very dry as well. no nose bleed but heck alot of shit in my nose and sometimes the dryness cause bleeding.

nothing much in the sense of the visit.. but got an idea that i should be selling in europe as the EURO are super high.... buying in USD but selling in MYR... not a good idea... other than the visits... food is super great... french food isn't that great.. but i love german food.... like german them...

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