Friday, June 27, 2008


i read this phrase out of a very interesting book....

"the suffering from the fear of suffering is greater than from the suffering itself"

this is actually quite true..... let's think it this way, if there's a problem that u need to solve, but you know it's difficult and there might be chance that it will fail. failing the task will hurt urself emotionally and mentally. but..... if u're escaping, or even delaying... the problem still exists. the thing is that you know it exists, but you're not doing anything about it.... it actually stops u from going forward.... thus it's called the pain from the fear of suffering...

make it another scenario, if there's a girl that you potential will fall for her, but yet, you tell yourself that you're not ready for it.... but then... the emotion seems to push u towards the girl's direction and yet you don't know if things will turn out alright or not....that feeling is so bad and it actually haunt one until the end result appears.... thus going ahead, don't stop it... just do it... if it turn out not alright, at least you didn't get the suffer even before then end result is realised. or at least you suffer less than those that had been suffering before the event.

just another babbling :)

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